Monday, April 3, 2017

Tips on Time Management

What's up everyone I’m Chris from Equalize Designz and today we are going to explain tips regarding time management? To explain time management is away for people to manage their time. Now a day’s people are always press for time, we have so much work to do and really don't have the time to get it all done. There are tools that you can use to help you manage your time like day planners, palm pilots, and to-do lists, but evidently most times we have something called “interruptions” unfortunately ruins our plans.

Interruptions can happen at anytime during the day like phone calls, text, emails and instant messages on Facebook. I know it can be tempting to answer that call or reply to an email and text, but to keep up with your schedule sometimes you might have to delay your reply back unless it's crucial. To complete your tasks in a day and to avoid any interruptions you can turn on no interruptions for indefinitely or for an hour on your smart phone. They say,  “The most important time of your day is the time you schedule to schedule time”.

This means you need to consider that it takes time out of the day to schedule. Besides scheduling you also have to understand and remember that it's impossible to get everything done on time, there's always going to be some type of situation that won’t allow you to finish your work on time. In conclusion preparing for the day and scheduling your time is best way to manage your time but also keep in mind to limit the interruptions and any kind of distractions. When creating a schedule you must consider that you need to schedule break time. Your break time will allow you to prioritize your schedule. Rather you use a day planner, palm pilot or a to-do-list it is important to write your daily task down. Remember to check off what is finished and whatever has not been accomplished in that day can continue onto the next day. I suggest you to prioritize your schedule base on the one that needs more time. These are some tips for time management thank you for reading our blog post be sure to check out Wednesday’s post on how to create a responsive web page, if you have any questions please comment below until then.

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