Monday, March 27, 2017

What are the Differences between Web Design and Web Development?

Hey welcome back it's Chris from Equalize Designz today I'm going to explain what is the difference between Web design and Web development. Web design is the design of a website the look and color etc. To create a mock up of a website you can use a software called Balsamiq, for designing the a website you use software’s like Photoshop or Gimp. The process of web design is to create different layouts and mock ups of the website, to see how it would look with a different color themes.

When creating a design layout of a website you usually start off with the structure where everything is going to go on the website, the main structure of a web page is the header, body and the footer. Web Development is to develop the website after you have created your design for it. In web development there are coding languages you have to use to develop the website. There are many different types of coding languages such as HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), as discussed previously on our earlier blogged post How To Create a Web Page using HTML and CSS, there are also JavaScript, and PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor).

When developing websites you can use software’s such as Dreamweaver, notepad, and notepad++. To break it Down you use HTML to build the structure of the website and then you use CSS to style it those are the basics to create a website. When you want to add features or functionality to a website you would us client-side scripting and server-side scripting languages called JavaScript and PHP. In conclusion the main differences between web design and web development is that web design is basically creating the look appeal of the website, and web development is building the website. Thank you for reading our post check out Wednesday’s post  onfor questions on this topic comment down below.

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